The Open Secret

hold the vision
and let it disintegrate

focus the energy
and let the tension release

it’s already happening
beyond the narrow gaze
the thought that forgets itself

release the weight
of needing to do everything yourself

you find the water
you need not carry it alone
a line of hands awaits

effort is precious
and burns itself out.
only a drop is needed
let it grow
give it away freely

the ancient tree speaks:

“I have lived a thousand years
grown a million branches
cast a billion seeds

my body is a multitude
algae, bacteria, fungi
working alone together
merging and diversifying
across ancestral time

the earth is alive
every root dances the soil
the forest is intimately intertwined
every part does itself, flawlessly

what is left for me to be?

I am a thought
and the dreaming fluid crystallizes
self-organizing fractal

look upon me and realize
my magnificence is made of subtlety.”

true power knows
how little is needed
and how much how little is.

less is more
and next to nothing
is everything.

trust the unfolding
and make it easy.